LONDON COPYRIGHT 1942 BY EDITH HAM ILTON COPYRIG HT © RENEWED 1969 BY DORIAN FIELDING REID AND DORIS FIELDING REID ALL RIGHTS RESERV ED.Table of contents : Contents Foreword Introduction to Classical Mythology The Mythology of the Greeks The Greek and Roman Writers of Mythology Part 1 The Gods, the Creation, and the Earliest Heroes 1 The Gods The Titans and the Twelve Great Olympians The Lesser Gods of Olympus The Gods of the Waters The Underworld The Lesser Gods of Earth The Roman Gods 2 The Two Great Gods of Earth Demeter (Ceres) Dionysus or Bacchus 3 How the World and Mankind Were Created 4 The Earliest Heroes Prometheus and Io Europa The Cyclops Polyphemus Flower-Myths: Narcissus, Hyacinth, Adonis Part 2 Stories of Love and Adventure I Cupid and Psyche 2 Eight Brief Tales of Lovers Pyramus and Thisbe Orpheus and Eurydice Ceyx and Alcyone Pygmalion and Galatea Baucis and Philemon Endymion Daphne Alpheus and Arethusa 3 The Quest of the Golden Fleece 4 Four Great Adventures Phaëthon Pegasus and Bellerophon Otus and Ephialtes Daedalus Part 3 The Great Heroes before the Trojan War 1 Perseus 2 Theseus 3 Hercules 4 Atalanta Part 4 The Heroes of the Trojan War 1 The Trojan War Prologue: The Judgment of Paris The Trojan War 2 The Fall of Troy 3 The Adventures of Odysseus 4 The Adventures of Aeneas Part 1: From Troy to Italy Part 2: The Descent into the Lower World Part 3: The War in Italy Part 5 The Great Families of Mythology 1 The House of Atreus Tantalus and Niobe Agamemnon and His Children Iphigenia among the Taurians 2 The Royal House of Thebes Cadmus and His Children Oedipus Antigone The Seven against Thebes 3 The Royal House of Athens Cecrops Procne and Philomela Procris and Cephalus Orithyia and Boreas Creüsa and Ion Part 6 The Less Important Myths 1 Midas - and Others Midas Aesculapius The Danaïds Glaucus and Scylla Erysichthon Pomona and Vertumnus 2 Brief Myths Arranged Alphabetically Amalthea Amazons, The Amymone Antiope Arachne Arion Aristaeus Aurora and Tithonus Biton and Cleobis Callisto Chiron Clytie Dryope Epimenides Ericthonius Hero and Leander Ibycus and the Cranes Leto (Latona) Linus Marpessa Marsyas Melampus Merope Myrmidons, The Nisus and Scylla Orion Pleiades, The Rhoecus Salmoneus Sisyphus Tyro Part 7 The Mythology of the Norsemen Introduction to Norse Mythology 1 The Stories of Signy and of Sigurd 2 The Norse Gods The Creation The Norse Wisdom Geneological Tables Index Citation previewĪlso by EDITH HAMILTON The Greek Way The Roman Way The Echo of Greece Three Greek Plays (Translated) MYTHOLOGY MYTHOLOGY BY EDITH HAMILTON Illustrated by STEELE SAVAGE BACK BAY BOOKS LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY NEW YORK