
Clone wars x wing
Clone wars x wing

clone wars x wing

  • Republic Engineering Corporation Warrior-class gunship.
  • Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate Braha'tok-class gunship.
  • Corellian Engineering Corporation DP20 frigate.
  • Team Febru'Size matters not,' Yoda said.

    Clone wars x wing series#

    RHE Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Collecting Merchandise Punch It First Look at Jazwares’ Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron Series III Anakin and Obi-Wan’s Jedi starfighters, Poe Dameron’s X-wing, and many more fan-favorite ships join the small-scale, big-fun line of toys.Santhe/Sienar Technologies Turbostorm-class gunship La X-Wing, o Ala-X, es la nave más popular de Star Wars.RHE Variable Altitude Assault Transport/enforcement (VAAT/e) Support your Grand Army of the Republic forces with the Clone Z-95 Headhunter Expansion Pack for Star WarsTM: X-Wing The Clone Z-95 starfighter is a.It is commonly depicted as a heavy strike fighter. They first appear in Return of the Jedi (1983) and subsequently in the Star Wars expanded universe 's books, comics, and games. RHE Low Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT) The A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter is a fictional Rebel Alliance and New Republic starfighter.Multi-Altitude Assault Transport (MAAT) Star Wars: X-Wing is a space simulation video game, the first of the X-Wing combat flight simulation games series.The players character flies starfighters, including the eponymous X-wing, for the Rebel Alliance as part of a narrative that precedes and parallels the events of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.KDY Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry (AIAT/i).The book, occurring in 6.5 ABY, chronicles the re-creation of Rogue Squadron by Wedge Antilles, and the First and Second Battles of Borleias. Narration for the audio version was performed by Henry Thomas.

    clone wars x wing

    Haor Chall Engineering Mechanized Assault Flyer (MAF) X-Wing: Rogue Squadron is the first installment in the X-Wing series of novels, first published in 1996.Baktoid Fleet Ordnance HMP droid gunship (HMP).1.1 Troop Carriers & Aerial Weapons PlatformsĪ Heavy Missile Platform or "droid gunship" Troop Carriers & Aerial Weapons Platforms.In that article, the theoretical player designing the ship was named Cory. The C-wing was given as an example of a ship you could create using the starship construction rules in the Wizards of the Coast d20 roleplaying book, Starships of the Galaxy. Without the weapon systems, the ship was priced at 116,000 credits, though with weaponry the price jumped to 130,500 credits (plus the cost of each proton torpedo to be loaded into the launcher). It also housed four fire-linked heavy blaster cannons, as well as a single proton torpedo launcher. 2 3 It features tactical ship-to-ship dogfighting between various types of starfighters set in the fictional Star Wars universe. Because of this, the hull and shields of the C-wing were relatively strong for a starfighter. Star Wars: X-Wing is a miniature war game designed by Jay Little and produced by Fantasy Flight Games that was released at Gen Con during August 17, 2012. The designers of the C-wing saw it as being a large, tough starfighter, and so didn't feel that it had to be particularly fast or maneuverable, though it was able to achieve a standard attack speed. Z-95 Headhunter: 11.8 m: 16.74 m: Size upped for Clone Wars version. Y-wing: 16 m: 23.4 m, 16.24 m: Minor change listed in the Rogue One Visual Guide. X-wing: 12.5 m: 13.4 m: Minor change listed in the Rogue One Visual Guide and confirmed in the Starfighter Manual. Additionally, it had a class 1.5 hyperdrive, which was relatively fast for a starfighter, but lacked a backup. 3.5 m is hull length, 6.96 is wing length. The C-wing had twice the cargo capacity of a standard X-wing, 220 kilograms, and had enough consumables to last two weeks. The C-wing was a starfighter designed to be piloted by a single person with an optional gunner and room for two passengers.

    Clone wars x wing