
A view to a kill streaming
A view to a kill streaming

Deadly and feral, she would do anything in service of her boss, even taking care of Bond “personally”. As minions go, Mayday is pretty unforgettable. He chases her up the Eiffel tower and then across Paris in the film’s second outstanding action set piece, and Mayday’s jump from the famous Parisian landmark is undoubtedly the stunt of the film. When Zorin’s horse wins a race under dubious circumstances and runs amok, it is Mayday who demonstrates the strength to calm the animal down.īond has a close encounter with Mayday during his investigations. Goldfinger had Oddjob, Scaramanga had Nick Nack and Zorin has Mayday, in the rather scary form of Grace Jones. The henchman is almost as important in Bond lore as the main villain. The trip to Ascot also introduces us to Zorin’s chief henchman, or in this case, henchwoman. Just think how the landscape of fantasy cinema would have been altered if he hadn’t… The character was written with the hope that David Bowie would play Zorin, but he turned the film down in order to appear in Labyrinth. The meeting, however, is taking place on Max Zorin’s personal airship, and outside means precisely that. In Zorin’s case, a Japanese business colleague decides he no longer wants to deal with Max, so is asked to wait outside. He has a rich back-story that is filled in as the film progresses, and he gets his scene that all good Bond baddies should, in which he disposes of an unnecessary associate.

a view to a kill streaming

Much to the disgust of a British minister, Bond suggests that perhaps Max Zorin, a wealthy industrialist, may be behind the KGB getting hold of the design. Once in M’s office, Q reveals that the microchip Bond brought back from Siberia is identical to one they’ve developed to be impervious to electro-magnetic pulses, produced by Zorin Industries. It’ll raise a smile but at the same time, you feel you’d be pretty safe watching it in the same room as your gran. It’s got its tongue-in-cheek, English humour down to a tee. This is just the first of many, many innuendo-filled lines in A View To A Kill, making it one of the most quotable movies in the series. To which the ever-innocent Moneypenny responds, “Your dedication when on the job is commendable, James.” Bond replies that the trip back from Siberia “took a lot out of me”.

a view to a kill streaming a view to a kill streaming

On his return to London, Miss Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell in her 007 swansong, too) tells Bond she’s been trying to reach him. Duran Duran’s belting theme tune hasn’t even kicked in yet and 007 has already kicked a bunch of ass, blown something up and bedded a lady. This high-action scene ends in an explosive helicopter crash, before Bond slips into a submarine disguised as an iceberg. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but the film has been credited with helping popularise the sport. In fact, Bond all but invents snowboarding to get away from the Russians. Naturally, he is discovered, and a thrilling ski chase ensues which sees Bond use his trademark creativity to make good his escape. Opening in the snowy wastes of Siberia, we see James retrieving a microchip from a now deceased fellow MI6 agent. To begin with, A View To A Kill has one of the most memorable pre-credits sequences of any Bond.

A view to a kill streaming